Blender 3D
I regularly use Blender to produce 3D graphics. Blender has become a robust and well-rounded tool set for image and animation creation. Here are a list of resources which I regularly rely upon for Extensions (formerly known as Addons), and learning resources.
Flip Fluids (particle-based fluid extension)
J-MoGraph Geometry Nodes (Cinema 4D-inspired mograph tools - looks interesting, but I have yet to make much use of this)
Nodegroup (Erindale's Online Training)
Erindale (YouTube channel for everything Geometry nodes and many other nodal systems)
Photographer 5 (Camera and Lighting extension)
Christopher3D (exceptional hard-surface modelling, lighting and rendering tutorials)
Light Wrangler (amazing lighting tools extension)
Light Wrangler demo video by Christopher3D - watch it!